What is the SkinTRUST Society®?
Founded by dermatologists, the SkinTRUST Society® offers the first American safety and efficacy standard for skin care products that empowers consumers, like yourself, to make informed product choices. This is the only certification program that utilizes an exhaustive standardized application developed by dermatologists to evaluate the entire breadth of consumer skin care products. Unaffiliated with any skin care product brand and non-partisan, the Society owns the standard that is used to verify consumer brands’ product claims.
Why does the SkinTRUST® matter?
Since cosmetics are not pre-approved by American regulatory authorities, there is no way to know which brands conduct relevant safety tests, which make cosmetic efficacy claims based on scientifically valid studies, which have accurate consumer labels, and so forth. Phrases like dermatologist recommended, hypoallergenic, sensitive, non-irritating, baby, non-comedogenic, natural, etc. mean whatever a particular company wants it to mean. Cosmetic effectiveness claims, such as reduced appearance of wrinkles or dark spots, moisturizing effects, etc. are also not pre-approved by American regulatory agencies. It’s challenging for consumers to know what’s true, what’s relevant, what’s safe, and what works. It’s time to take the guesswork out of your skin care choices and entrust the real skin care experts.
Who founded the SkinTRUST Society®?
The SkinTRUST® was founded and is led by American dermatologists and other key physicians who collaborate to evaluate the entire breadth of consumer skin care products, from baby care to anti-aging to self-medication drugs.
How do I find SkinTRUST® Certified skin care products while shopping?
The SkinTRUST Society’s® Dermatologist Approved Seal allows you to easily identify SkinTRUST® CertifiedTM products while you shop. Just look for the distinctive SkinTRUST® Seal
How do products get the SkinTRUST® Dermatologist Approved Seal?
Brands are required to submit a comprehensive standardized application and provide supporting information for each product. Products must conform to guidelines from relevant global agencies and directives including the: U.S. Food and Drug Administration; European Union Cosmetic Directive; European Chemicals Agency; International Fragrance Association; National Toxicology Program; and International Agency on Research for Cancer. In addition, safety tests will be required from the company, specific to a product’s characteristics and claims. Effectiveness tests will be required from the company, specific to a product’s characteristics and claims. All studies must also comply with the SkinTRUST Society’s® ethical and scientific standards.
Do all brands that apply get the Seal?
Certification is product specific and is not guaranteed. However, companies may revise the product and resubmit to the SkinTRUST® for approval.
Does the SkinTRUST Society® provide medical advice or treatment?
The SkinTRUST Society® does not answer specific medical questions. The contents of the SkinTRUST Society® are for informational purposes only and are not intended to replace consultation with a qualified physician for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please seek guidance from your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have known allergies to specific ingredients or have underlying skin conditions, please contact your physician for guidance. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or viewed here.
Can the SkinTRUST® Seal be withdrawn from an approved product?
Criteria for the SkinTRUST® Seal may change in order to incorporate new medical or scientific information. Products will be reassessed annually to account for changes in product formulations and to ensure compliance with updated criteria.
Does the SkinTRUST Society® perform its own tests on products?
The SkinTRUST® is not a clinical or laboratory testing facility and does not conduct product testing. The SkinTRUST Society® evaluates information submitted by companies. Companies are required to use certified labs and qualified investigators for all studies.
Are all skin care products eligible for certification?
Not all skin care products are eligible for certification. Product eligibility requirements are listed here.